sample parole support letter from family

Sample Parole Support Letter from Family 

This article provides a guide for writing a unique and personalized parole support letter from a family member. Use This sample parole support letter from family.

Dear Honorable Parole Board Members,

I am writing this letter in support of [Inmate’s Name], who is my [relationship to inmate]. I believe that [Inmate’s Name] has taken responsibility for their actions and has shown a sincere desire to change their ways. It is my hope that [Inmate’s Name] will be granted parole, and I would like to express my support for their release.

[Inmate’s Name] has always been an important part of our family, and we have seen firsthand the positive changes they have made during their time in prison. They have participated in various rehabilitation programs, and have shown a willingness to take responsibility for their past mistakes. As a family, we have been impressed with their progress and dedication to making positive changes in their life.

If granted parole, [Inmate’s Name] will have a supportive family and community to help them successfully reintegrate into society. We are committed to helping [Inmate’s Name] find employment, housing, and any other resources necessary to ensure a successful transition.

I understand that the decision to grant parole is a difficult one, but I hope that you will consider the progress that [Inmate’s Name] has made, and the positive impact that their release would have on our family. We believe that [Inmate’s Name] is ready to make a positive contribution to society, and we respectfully request that you grant their parole.

Thank you for considering our letter and for your service to the community.


[Your Name]

sample parole support letter from family


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