attorney letter of representation sample

Sample Attorney Letter of Representation

This attorney letter of representation sample can be used as a guide to draft a professional and effective representation letter for your clients. The letter contains all the necessary information to establish a lawyer-client relationship and start the legal representation process.


Dear [Client Name],

I am writing to confirm that I have been retained by you as your attorney to represent you in [briefly describe the legal matter]. This letter serves as an official confirmation of our lawyer-client relationship and outlines the terms of our representation.

As your attorney, I will represent you to the best of my abilities and in accordance with the ethical rules and standards of the legal profession. I will provide you with legal advice, negotiate on your behalf, and advocate for your interests in all legal proceedings related to your case.

Our representation will begin immediately upon receipt of this letter and will continue until the legal matter is resolved or until our services are terminated by either party in accordance with the terms of our representation agreement.

Please note that our representation is limited to the matter described above and does not extend to any other legal matter or any other party without prior agreement. Furthermore, our representation does not guarantee any specific outcome or result.

As part of our representation, I will need to collect and review relevant documents and information related to your case. Please provide me with any information or documentation that you have as soon as possible to ensure that we can begin our work without delay.

I am confident that I can provide you with the legal assistance and representation that you need. If you have any questions or concerns about our representation, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for entrusting me with your legal matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Firm Name]

[Your Firm Address]

[Your Firm Phone Number]

[Your Firm Email Address]

attorney letter of representation sample

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