sample recommendation letter for student scholarship

Sample Recommendation Letter for Student Scholarship

Looking for a sample recommendation letter for student scholarship? Check out this example letter!


Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing this letter to recommend [student name] for the [scholarship name] scholarship. As [his/her] professor, I have had the pleasure of working closely with [student name] for [duration of time] and can attest to [his/her] academic excellence, leadership skills, and dedication to [his/her] field of study.

Throughout [his/her] time in my [class/program], [student name] has consistently demonstrated exceptional critical thinking skills and an eagerness to learn. [He/She] consistently produces high-quality work and actively participates in class discussions, often providing insightful perspectives that enrich the class experience for everyone.

In addition to [his/her] academic achievements, [student name] has also been involved in [specific extracurricular activities or volunteer work] and has shown remarkable leadership skills. [He/She] has organized and led various events and initiatives that have had a positive impact on [his/her] community.

Furthermore, [student name] has expressed a clear passion and dedication to [his/her] field of study. [He/She] has demonstrated this commitment through [specific research projects, internships, or other relevant experiences] and has expressed a desire to continue pursuing [his/her] studies to make a meaningful impact in the field.

In summary, I highly recommend [student name] for the [scholarship name] scholarship. [His/Her] academic excellence, leadership skills, and dedication to [his/her] field of study make [him/her] an exceptional candidate for this opportunity.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your name]

[Your title]

[Your institution]

sample recommendation letter for student scholarship


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