domestic violence sample letter to district attorney to drop charges

Sample Letter to District Attorney to Drop Domestic Violence Charges

Writing a letter to the district attorney to request dropping domestic violence charges can be challenging. Here is a domestic violence sample letter to district attorney to drop charges to help you write your own.


Dear [District Attorney’s Name],

I am writing this letter to request that the charges against [Name of Accused] in the case of domestic violence be dropped. I understand the gravity of the situation and the need to protect victims of domestic violence, but in this particular case, I believe the charges are unjustified.

I am [Name of Accused]’s partner, and we have been together for [number of years] years. We have had our fair share of arguments and disagreements, but we have always managed to work through them. The incident that led to the charges was a misunderstanding, and things escalated quickly. I was not injured during the altercation, and [Name of Accused] has never been violent towards me or anyone else in the past.

Since the incident, [Name of Accused] has shown genuine remorse for their actions and has taken steps to seek help for anger management. They have attended counseling sessions and support groups to work on their issues and ensure that such an incident never happens again.

I understand that domestic violence is a serious issue, and the authorities have a responsibility to protect victims. However, in this particular case, I believe that the charges are unwarranted and will do more harm than good. [Name of Accused] is not a danger to anyone and has taken full responsibility for their actions.

I am requesting that the charges against [Name of Accused] be dropped, and I am willing to testify to this effect in court. I hope that you will consider my request and make the right decision in this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

domestic violence sample letter to district attorney to drop charges

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