escrow letter sample

Sample Escrow Letter for Secure Transactions

Looking for a secure way to conduct transactions? Check out our escrow letter sample.


Dear [Escrow Agent],

I am writing to request your services as an escrow agent for a transaction I am conducting with [Name of Counterparty]. In order to ensure a secure and fair transaction, I would like to use your services as an impartial third party.

As part of this transaction, I will be depositing [Amount] into the escrow account you will set up on behalf of both parties. Once the funds have been received and verified, [Name of Counterparty] will be expected to deliver the [Product/Service] to me within [Agreed-upon Timeframe].

Upon receipt and verification of the [Product/Service], I will notify you to release the funds to [Name of Counterparty]. If, for any reason, there is a dispute or issue with the transaction, the funds will remain in escrow until the matter is resolved.

I understand that your role as an escrow agent is to remain impartial and ensure that the terms of the agreement are met by both parties. I trust that you will execute this transaction in a professional and timely manner, with the utmost care for security and confidentiality.

Please let me know if there are any additional requirements or fees associated with your services. I am prepared to provide any necessary documentation or information to ensure a smooth and successful transaction.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

Sample Escrow Letter for Secure Transactions 1

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