proof of business ownership letter sample

Sample Proof of Business Ownership Letter


Are you a business owner who needs to provide proof of ownership? Use this proof of business ownership letter sample to demonstrate your ownership of your business.


Dear [Recipient],

I am writing this letter to provide proof of my ownership of [Business Name]. As the owner of [Business Name], I can confirm that the business is registered and operating legally in accordance with all state and federal laws.

As evidence of my ownership, please find enclosed the following documents:

  • Certificate of Business Registration
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Business License
  • Tax ID Number

In addition to the aforementioned documents, I am also attaching bank statements and other financial documents that demonstrate my ownership of the business.

I understand that proof of ownership is required for various purposes, including but not limited to opening a bank account, applying for a loan, or participating in government programs. Please be assured that [Business Name] is a reputable and legitimate business that has been in operation for [Number of Years].

If you require any additional information or documentation, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Phone Number] or [Email Address]. I am happy to provide any further information that may be necessary to confirm my ownership of the business.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

[Business Name]

[Business Address]

[Phone Number]

[Email Address]


proof of business ownership letter sample

Note: Please replace the bracketed fields with your own information before sending the letter.


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