recommendation letter for students for scholarship sample

Recommendation Letter for Scholarship Application

Looking for a recommendation letter sample for a scholarship application? Check out this recommendation letter for students for scholarship sample.

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing this letter to highly recommend [student’s name] for the [scholarship name] scholarship. As [student’s name]’s [teacher/professor/mentor] for [number of years], I have had the privilege of witnessing their growth, both academically and personally, and I can attest to their outstanding abilities and achievements.

Throughout [his/her] academic career, [student’s name] has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to academic excellence. Their grades are consistently among the top in the class, and their critical thinking skills are exceptional. In [his/her] [specific academic area], [student’s name] has proven to be a highly motivated and engaged learner, consistently seeking out new challenges and pushing themselves to excel.

In addition to their academic achievements, [student’s name] is also an active member of our [school/college/community]. They have volunteered for numerous [organizations/events] and have shown an exceptional ability to lead and inspire others. Their [specific leadership/organizational] skills have been recognized by [specific awards/recognition], and [he/she] has been described as an exceptional team player and communicator.

Given [student’s name]’s exceptional academic performance and outstanding leadership qualities, I am confident that [he/she] will make an excellent candidate for the [scholarship name] scholarship. [His/Her] passion for [specific field/interest] is evident, and [he/she] has a clear vision for [his/her] future goals and how this scholarship will help [him/her] achieve them.

In conclusion, I highly recommend [student’s name] for the [scholarship name] scholarship. [He/She] has demonstrated exceptional academic abilities, leadership qualities, and a strong commitment to [specific field/interest], all of which make [him/her] an excellent candidate for this scholarship. If you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.


[Your Name]



[Contact Information]

recommendation letter for students for scholarship sample

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