recommendation letter scholarship sample

Recommendation Letter for Scholarship Sample

Need help writing a recommendation letter for a scholarship? Check out this unique recommendation letter scholarship sample.


Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing to recommend [Student Name] for the [Scholarship Name] scholarship. As [Student Name]’s [teacher/mentor/supervisor], I have had the pleasure of working with them for [length of time]. During this time, I have witnessed [Student Name]’s exceptional academic achievements, leadership qualities, and dedication to [field/cause].

First and foremost, [Student Name] is an outstanding student who consistently achieves top grades in their courses. They have a natural curiosity and passion for learning, which is evident in their academic performance. In addition, [Student Name] actively engages in class discussions, asks thoughtful questions, and contributes to group projects. They are a model student who inspires their peers to strive for excellence.

Furthermore, [Student Name] has demonstrated strong leadership skills both inside and outside the classroom. They have held various leadership positions, including [position held], where they have shown exceptional decision-making, communication, and problem-solving skills. [Student Name] is a natural leader who motivates others to work towards common goals.

Finally, [Student Name] is deeply committed to [field/cause] and has shown a willingness to go above and beyond to make a difference. They have volunteered with [organization/volunteer work] and have shown a genuine desire to make a positive impact on their community. [Student Name] is passionate about [field/cause], and I have no doubt that they will continue to make a significant contribution in the future.

In summary, I strongly recommend [Student Name] for the [Scholarship Name] scholarship. They are an exceptional student, leader, and community member who deserves this opportunity. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.


[Your Name] [Your Title/Position] [Your Contact Information]

recommendation letter scholarship sample

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