sample demand letter for wrongful termination

Sample Demand Letter for Wrongful Termination

 If you have been wrongfully terminated, you may be able to recover damages through legal action. Use this sample demand letter for wrongful termination to get started.

Dear [Employer],

I am writing to you regarding my recent termination from [Company Name]. As you are aware, my employment was terminated on [Date] without any justifiable cause or explanation.

Upon reviewing the circumstances leading to my termination, I have reason to believe that my termination was wrongful and in violation of my rights under employment law. As a result, I am demanding compensation for the damages caused by your actions.

Specifically, I am seeking the following damages:

  • Lost wages: As a result of my wrongful termination, I have suffered financial losses due to the sudden loss of income. I am seeking compensation for the wages I would have earned had I not been terminated.
  • Emotional distress: Your actions have caused me significant emotional distress and anxiety, which has affected my mental health and wellbeing. I am seeking compensation for the pain and suffering I have endured as a result of your wrongful termination.
  • Punitive damages: Your conduct in terminating me without just cause was willful and malicious, and has caused me significant harm. I am seeking punitive damages to hold you accountable for your actions and to deter future wrongful conduct.

I am prepared to take legal action if we are unable to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution. I urge you to consider the gravity of the situation and to take steps to remedy the harm you have caused.

Please respond to this letter within [number of days] days to discuss a resolution. If I do not hear from you by this deadline, I will be forced to pursue legal action to recover the damages I am entitled to under the law.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


[Your Name]



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