sample eviction letter to family member

Sample Eviction Letter to a Family Member | Free Template

Are you struggling with how to write an eviction letter to a family member? Check out this sample eviction letter template that will help you get started.

Dear [Family Member’s Name],

I am writing to inform you that you are being evicted from the property that you are currently residing in, which is located at [Address]. As much as it pains me to have to take this step, I am left with no other choice due to the ongoing issues that have arisen from your living situation.

As you know, we had an agreement in place that you would pay rent on time, keep the property clean and tidy, and abide by the rules and regulations that were set forth when you moved in. Unfortunately, you have not been able to live up to your end of the agreement, and there have been numerous instances of late or missed rent payments, damages to the property, and failure to adhere to the guidelines set forth.

After multiple attempts to resolve these issues and work together to find a solution, it has become clear that you are unwilling or unable to make the necessary changes to improve the situation. Therefore, I must terminate your tenancy and ask that you vacate the premises by [Date].

Please note that failure to vacate the property by the given date will result in legal action being taken against you to enforce the eviction. I hope that we can part ways amicably, and that you will take the necessary steps to find a new place to live.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


[Your Name]

Sample Eviction Letter to a Family Member

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