sample letter of intent for homeschooling

Letter of Intent for Homeschooling: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re looking to homeschool your child, you’ll need to write a letter of intent that outlines your education plan. Read on for a sample letter of intent for homeschooling and tips on how to make it unique and effective.

Dear [School District or Board of Education],

I am writing to inform you of my intent to homeschool my child, [Child’s Name], for the upcoming school year. After careful consideration, my family and I have decided that homeschooling is the best fit for our child’s educational needs and goals.

As per state regulations, I am submitting this letter to outline our education plan and provide the necessary information regarding our homeschool program. Our homeschool program will be designed to meet or exceed the state’s standards and requirements for education.


Our curriculum will be a mix of pre-packaged curriculum and materials we have selected based on our child’s interests and learning style. We will be using a variety of resources, including textbooks, workbooks, online materials, and educational games and activities.


Our daily schedule will be flexible and adjusted to accommodate our child’s needs and interests. We plan to incorporate regular breaks, physical activity, and educational field trips into our schedule to provide a well-rounded educational experience.


We will be using a variety of assessment methods to evaluate our child’s progress, including regular quizzes and tests, projects, and presentations. We will also be keeping detailed records of our child’s academic progress and achievements.


Thank you for considering our letter of intent for homeschooling. We are committed to providing our child with a high-quality education that meets or exceeds state standards. We are confident that our homeschool program will provide a challenging and engaging learning environment for our child.


[Your Name]

sample letter of intent for homeschooling

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