sample religious exemption letter for work

Sample Religious Exemption Letter for Work – Stand Up for Your Beliefs

If you are looking to request a religious exemption from workplace policies or requirements, use this sample religious exemption letter for work to guide you. Ensure that you are able to stand up for your beliefs and receive fair treatment at work.


Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am writing to request a religious exemption from certain workplace policies or requirements that are in conflict with my sincerely held religious beliefs. As a devout [insert religion], I feel compelled to stand up for my beliefs and request that my religious freedoms are respected in the workplace.

As you may be aware, my religion requires me to [insert religious practice or belief that conflicts with workplace policies]. I understand that this may be in conflict with certain workplace policies or requirements, but I ask that you consider accommodating my religious beliefs in accordance with federal law.

Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations for employees’ sincerely held religious beliefs, unless doing so would pose an undue hardship on the employer. I believe that accommodating my religious beliefs would not cause an undue hardship on the company, as it would not interfere with the essential functions of my job or impose significant costs on the company.

I would be happy to discuss possible accommodations with you to ensure that I am able to practice my religious beliefs while still fulfilling my job duties. I appreciate your consideration of my request and look forward to finding a solution that is fair and respectful to all parties involved.

Thank you for your time and understanding.


[Your Name]

sample religious exemption letter for work

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